Margie Rogers's profile

General Mills - Grammy Awards

General Mills + Camila

General Mills wanted to expand and engage their clientele by creating an event that appealed to targeted consumers.

Developed a highly engaging music download program featuring new and traditional Latin music. 

Shoppers were given unique codes when they purchased participating General Mills products and were directed to the Musica y Sabor website to redeem their free downloads and General Mills branded recipes.

Latin Pop duo Camila became the face of the campaign with program elements including sweepstakes, Camila events, VIP concert experiences, and meet and greets.

The program was picked up and extended for the next five years. Several retail partners including WalMart, signed on to the program, exceeding General Mills’ sales objectives. The promotion has been activated in nearly 1,300 stores with over 3,500 POS displays.
General Mills - Grammy Awards

General Mills - Grammy Awards
